Friday, December 9, 2011

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

OK. I am only twenty years old, but today I felt like an old, old woman. My younger dog, Baxter, woke me up this morning with kisses on my face. So in my early morning haze I tried to jerk back so that he wouldn't be able to get any french kisses in, as he is prone to try in the morning. As I was jerking away, something in my neck snapped. It sounded almost like the special effect movies use when someone's neck is supposed to have been broken so, yeah. Immediately, I experienced some of the worst pain I have ever felt in my life! I'm no stranger to pain, since I was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis at 14 and have had slight to severe pain in my hip because of it. But this was like nothing I've ever felt before, I wasn't able to move my head or my right arm without crying out from the pain. I was super lucky that my sister and my best friend were still at the house and could take me to the urgent care center. When we got there we waited for what felt like hours before I was able to go in. I don't think I would have been able to handle the process if my two favorite girls hadn't been there for me. They kept me smiling and laughing with jokes about the hot technician who took me to get x-rays of my neck.

It turned out that I had managed to slip a couple of discs in my neck and that caused the muscles near my neck and shoulder to seize up. Luckily, the doctor I was assigned specializes in Sports Medicine and was able to pop them back in to place, for the most part. Who knew you could cause such severe trauma to yourself just by waking up? It really made me feel like one of those elderly people in the Life Alert commercials. You know those tag lines they always say: "I've fallen and I can't get up" or "Every senior citizen should have Life Alert"? Well maybe not only senior citizens should have it, with the way my lucks been these past few weeks maybe I should add one to my Christmas list!

My girls are pretty disappointed though, for a few reasons:

  1. I didn't get the Tech's number. 
  2. Even though I'm loaded up on medication right now I have not engaged in any blackmail worthy stunts. 
  3. I was the reason we never worked out this morning. (Darn.)


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